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Bloody Crack Down on Peasants Protesting Against the Illegal Sale of Collective Land


Free China Movement


Washington DC


Bloody Crack Down on Peasants Protesting Against the Illegal Sale of Collective Land Property by the CCP Officials Caused Thirty People Being Shot and Four Leaders Arrested.

At 2:30 AM on August 2, 2004 600 Armed Police surrounded and attacked the Shi-Jia-He Village in the northern Suburb of Zhengzhou city in Henan Province. The cause of this armed attack was due to the fact the villagers have appealed to the higher government organs many times against the illegal sale of the village land which make the villagers have less land to produce food and also the fact that the proceeds of about 40 million RMB Yuan were stolen by the village party officials.

The government mobilized 600 armed police and tried to kidnap away the leaders of the villagers who have protested against the party officials and wrongdoings. People went out of their homes to resist the effort to arrest their leaders and the armed police start to shoot toward the crowd. More than 30 villagers have been shot and six of them have been wounded seriously. They have been sent to the Zhengzhou Central Hospital and are under emergency operation as of now.

Four people were arrested and only two have just been released to their homes. The village is still being surrounded by the armed police and more than 300 government officials are still mingled with the villagers and request them not to continue their appeal.

For detailed information, please contact the "Son of Yellow River" at 1## ######## and QQ ########.

Please do not publish the cell phone number to the public when reporting this shocking news of massacre by the Chinese communist regime.

Free China Movement calls the World attention that the Communist regime is in its final stage of collapse where it will sale anything for money and is using any means to crack down on any dissent so their effort to gather as mush money as possible before the end of the regime.

"FCM calls for the international community to prepare for the collapse of the evil totalitarian regime on Beijing and help to end this regime not to help it to survive." Stated Dr. Wang Zhongxiao, national director of Free China Movement. (30)

(08/01/2004 17:38)

Previous writings by the author in the year

  1. Bloody Crack Down on Peasants Protesting Against the Illegal Sale of Collective Land Prope (08/01/2004 17:36)
  2. Exiled Legal Scholar now Went in Exile in Australia (07/27/2004)
  3. Family members and FCM leaders meet with State Department to discuss Dr. Wang'situation (07/01/2004)
  4. Dr. Wang Bingzhang in life threatening situation as a result of turture he received (06/30/2004)
  5. Dr. Wang Bingzhang's torture is drawing anger against the PRC government across the world (06/29/2004)
  6. FCM Yearly Review (2000) (01/02/2001)
  7. Zhao Pinlu Memorial Fund (06/20/2004)
  8. Free China Movement Statement on 15th Anniversary of June 4 Massacre in Beijing (06/03/2004)
  9. Hunger Strikers in Washington DC will end the 4 day hunger strike for democracy in China w (06/03/2004)

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