Hunger Strikers in Washington DC will end the 4 day hunger strike for democracy in China w
Free China Movement
Contact: Shengde Lian, executive director, Free China Movement (703) 8649304
Washington DC
Hunger Strikers in Washington DC will end the 4 day hunger strike for democracy in China with a Press conference at noon on June 4. Several former student leaders and activist also started hunger strike at home to commemorate June 4 Massacre at their own homes during house arrest; Congressman Frank Wolf has sent a letter of support to Free China Movement to express his support of the freedom cause in China and the huger
Time: 12:30 PM June 4, 2004
Location: 2300 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington DC
Who: Arthur Junguo Liu. Former student leader and CA attorney
Yang Jianli¡¯s mother and sisters on hunger strike
Zhang Qi, fianc¨¦e of Dr. Wang Bingzhang who has been sentenced to life by PRC, who is also on strike for Dr. Wang
Robert Lorge, candidate to US Senate from Wisconsin
Shengde Lian, former student leader and political prisoner in 1989, and Executive Director, Free China Movement
Timothy Cooper, Executive Director, World Rights
And dozens of other 1989 pro democracy students leaders from across the nation.

(06/03/2004) |