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In America when "national
security" interests are involved, the Court invokes the Classified
Information Procedures Act to protect the classified information, sources and
methods, but the trial remains open to the public and media, the defense
remains able to call its own witnesses and present its own evidence, and the
defense remains able to conduct effective cross-examination of the
prosecution's China, the trial is closed, no evidence is
presented to the defense, the defense is not allowed to call any witnesses, the
defense is not allowed to present any evidence, and the trial lasts only a few other words whereas the Soviets had many "show"
trials, the communist Chinese only have "no trials" with no evidence,
no witnesses, no defense, no rights, and no due process.
America has never been afraid of affording real terrorists the privileges of
our Constitutional due process protections, yet China is afraid of affording
real patriots and democracy activists even the minimum modicum of due process
rights supposedly afforded defendants under their disgraceful sham
"people's courts".
Americans should know that our State Department refused to assist an American
national and deeply religious Christian brother, Dr. Bingzhang Wang, in his
hour of need after having been illegally kidnapped and tortured in the Golden
Triangle's border area near China. His only crime is to believe that the
Judeo-Christian heritage's emphasis on human rights for all people whether
black or white or Chinese, whether Jew or gentile, whether
Protestant or Catholic, are God-given rights which no despotic regime may wrest
away from the hearts of the people. State Department officials in the Asia and
Pacific Affairs bureau told US government journalists working for the Voice of
America that Wang was not entitled to US diplomatic protection, and with
reminiscences of the drama "Red Corner" come to life, US Embassy officers
in Beijing told the New York Times the same thing.
It is clear to all who knew him
well that Dr. Wang is a loyal American national who is faithful in his
allegiance to the American political heritage of democracy and freedom and
justice for all, and it behooves all who cherish those same core American
ideals to extend their best efforts to secure his immediate release and return
to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Dr. Wang is a nonviolent
Christian who has never engaged in any act of violence, never carried or
discharged or even owned a handgun or weapon.
Dr. Wang's dedication to genuine
American values should not be sacrificed at this time by the State Department's
fear of a Chinese veto at the United Nations regarding the war on Iraq for even
if the Security Council were to veto such matters a hundred times, the United
States of America and her principal ally England would remain equally justified
in international law to engage in preemptive action against Saddam's despotic
regime supplied and armed by the communist Chinese.
There can be no real security in
the world as long as the tyrants who run China remain free to pretend that
their arms trading companies exports
of chemical and biological weapons and technologies, nuclear weapons and
technologies, and other weapons of mass destructions and conventional weapons
sold or given away to the their despotic partners in illicit regimes and
terrorist groups around the globe do not violate fundamental norms of
international law.
There can be no real security as
long as such vile regimes as the communist Chinese, which force abortions on
over ten million of their mothers against their will each year, retain a veto
at the Security Council. The Communist Chinese blow up 3,000 World Trade Centers
every year, ten every day, through their coercive forced abortions
against the will of their pregnant mothers. Just as it is a farce for the UN
Human Rights council to be controlled by Libya, it is equally a farce for the
Security Council to have communist Chinese with a veto power determining
whether or not America may pursue her legitimate and lawful national security
interests in the world.
Hence, it’s the time for US
government to stand up firmly against dictators from Baghdad to Beijing by
demanding the immediate release US National and Christian Dr. Wang Bingzhang
and thus to uphold the funding principles of this great nation – democracy,
freedom and justice! (30)