The Free China Movement is a world wide umbrella network of citizens who are dedicated to organizing and working for freedom, democracy, and human rights in China, Tibet and Hong Kong. We realize that only through a unified worldwide grassroots movement, will we be able to realistically exert enough moral and political pressure so that China will evolve from a totalitarian dictatorship, to a free and democratic country where there is the rule of law and a democratic government.
The Free China Movement “stands on the shoulders” of other world wide
human rights and dissident democracy movements that were successful in
changing dictatorships in South Africa, Poland, Russia, Philippines, Haiti,
and other countries around the world. The organization builds on the strength,
wisdom, and effectiveness of the non-violent, democratic, and all inclusive
democratic social change movements of Martin Luther King, Mahatma
Gahndi, Nelson Mendela, Chico Mendez, and Vaslav Havel. We are guided by
the principles of love, compassion, and the recognition that all human
beings are connected to one another through the universal laws of respect,
dignity, and freedom to think, write, and speak without the fear of government
The Free China Movement recognizes that China is a major superpower
that is viewed by nations around the world as a viable trading partner
where there are billions of dollars in investment at stake. Therefore,
only through a unified coalition of citizens around the world who believe
in a free China, Hong Kong, and Tibet can there ever be a chance for moral
pressure to have an effect on changing China.
Many of these prisoners are political prisoners who are rounded up, executed through firing squad, and doctors than remove their organs right after they are shot. Furthermore, the conditions in Chinese labor camps, which have been graphically documented by the courageous Chinese dissident Harry Woo, are beyond description. Disease, starvation, torture, forced labor, interrogations, and beatings are every day occurrences in these “death camps.” There is no difference between these conditions in Red China and those that existed in Nazi Germany.
In Tibet, the Chinese government since 1959 has brutally repressed Tibetan
monks who were against communist rule. The Chinese Government has destroyed
Buddhist Temples, imprisoned monks, and other Tibetan citizens who dared
to speak out against communist government. In Hong Kong, the Chinese government
dissolved the democratically elected Legislature Council has replaced it
with hand picked provisional legislators. Therefore, a democratic nation
is being forced to live and operate under a totally different form of government;
another example of why the world must speak out against a dictatorship
by a few old men who are oppressing over 1.3 billion people in China, Tibet
We have the moral and ethical obligation to work together in the struggle for a free and democratic China, Tibet, and Hong Kong. There has not been a world wide unified Chinese Democracy movement since Tiananmen Square. Now more than ever is the right time for citizens of the world to speak out for human rights and freedom and China.
The Free China Movement is asking you to participate in the “Campaign to Release Chinese Political and Religious Prisoners Of Conscience.” Please attend or help organize the candle light vigils or the Free China Forums in your city or town. In the words of Wei Jing Shen, “Only through consistent world wide moral pressure can the Chinese government be forced to release the other thousands of political and religious prisoners who are living in deplorable conditions in Chinese Jails. Free China, Free Tibet, Free Hong Kong!
For more information, please contact Shengde Lian, Coordinator, Free China Movement, 703 645-9054, or Joel Segal, Special Projects Director, 703 329-6836. e-mail:
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