Correspondence: P.O. Box 3328, Falls Church, VA 22043
Tel: (202)822-9487; (703)645-9054; Fax (202) 862-4302
An Open Letter to President Clinton
March 6, 1997
The Honorable President of the United States William Jefferson Clinton White House
Washington DC 20025
Dear President Clinton:
We are Chinese students and scholars organized into the Party of Freedom and Democracy
in China (PFDC), a humanitarian and charity organization dedicating to democratizing
totalitarian red China. This letter is written to you, on the eve of the so-called "historical
state visit" of Comrade Jiang Zemin, the Secretary General of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), express our serious concern on the Administration's consistent policy towards
the Volks Reich of China (the "People's Republic of China"), the world's lone remaining
Stalinist-totalitarian Superpower and a quickly rising national socialist giant, whose deadly
and lethal threats to the world peace, freedom and the national security of the United States
has long been downplayed, underestimated and even ignored.
1. Wrongful Perception on Jiang Zemin, a Diehard CCP
This "state visit" of Comrade Jiang Zemin, an infamous Beijing Butcher allied with "Prime Minister" Li Peng, takes place at the time when the horrendous anti-humanity crimes of massive executions followed by Nazi-Type brutal snatching of human organs was exposed to the world and the conscience of all mankind is being offended by the "Chicken-Monkey Justice" show by Beijing regime under Jiang's core leadership which consistently denies any chance of political reform and render zero concession to international pressures. This state visit occurred 106 days after the Chinese Communists brutally dissolved the democratically elected Hong Kong legislature. This state visit happens 19 months after the CCP's expansion war game in Taiwan Straits was deterred by the U.S. 7th Fleet; This state visit takes place approximately 3 years after the building up the "silent memorial" of Korean War in Washington and roughly 8 years after Tian Am Men Square massacre.
We are here to call for the People of the United States to raise their alert while facing a
quickly growing lethal and invasive Neo-Nazi forces from Asia, even though our voice is
weak, our message can hardly be got through, yet we believe that history will witness
today, the day we, joining our tiny efforts with many prominent American statesmen of
moral principles and of common wisdom and vision, making this alarming call for
The mis-perception on the side of the entire Free World, on "Comrade Jiang Zemin", the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Chinese People's Liberation Army, The Chinese
Armed People's Police, the omnipotent, powerful, and most effective huge spy network
worldwide under the CCP, all under Jiang's "core leadership", under the "constitutional"
banner of horrifying "Dictatorship of Proletariat", is overwhelming and well plagued
through out the world.
A nation that loses vision perishes. "Time" Magazine recently called for a "Worldwide Re-Evaluation (?!) of China's Totalitarianism and its prominent hardliner Comrade Jiang
Zemin; The loss of vision by such a major U.S. media may also be seen when "Time"
magazine screaming its surprise in reporting the CCP's 15th National Congress by naively
asking "Where are 5.7 million Chinese Communist Party Members?"
2. A Growing National Socialist Threats to Peace and
We can tell you where they are: they are seen in the Vast Chinese Gulag, they are seen in
Mass Execution cites, they are seen in human organ snatching and trading places, they are
seen in all Chinese hospitals where out-of-quota new borns or viable fetus in their third
trimester are brutally murdered; they are seen in the banks of the West; They are seen in
political insider circles from restaurant chef-owner from Little Rock to government officials
in Washington DC; they are seen in widely plagued communist espionage inside the United
States, they are seen in COSCO's "soft-landing" in such sensitive areas from Long Beach
California to the region of Panama Canal (container can be used for espionage and military
use); they are seen in ICBM launcher cites; they are seen in nuclear, bio-chemical and
missile transactions with all those nations under the evil dictators, forming an international
anti-Freedom alliance. If your vision is a little sharper, their existence may also be seen in
sudden and violent death of Dr. Zhisui Li, and murder after the kidnapping of Mr. Wei
Guoqiang, a defected spy chief of Xinhua News Agency U.S. Bureau, They are seen in
anti-American turmois and unrests caused by an alleged "rape" charge, in Okinawa, Japan,
where a key American military bases are located, they are also seen in terrorist attacks in
Tokyo Subway in order to tarnish His Holiness Dalai Lama, they are also seen in
mushrooming pro-CCP local media (mostly in Chinese); they are seen in such communist
promoted books as "Yellow Peril" and "China May Say No", they are seen in all
government behaviors simulating and repeating the behavior of the Nazi Third Reich under
Adolf Hitler, they are seen in China's yearning for "more survival space to feed 1.2 billion
mouths", they are also seen in notorious Kissinger and Associates, the Agency General in
the United States for the Chinese Communist Party.
3. The Road is Not Taken
This Administration, under your leadership, is urged to move forward to form the
honeymoon "Strategic partnership" with the Volks Reich of China (PRC), starting from so-called "constructive engagement", fatally ignoring the facts that CCP's China, is the only
nation, not former USSR, Not Cuba, Not Iraq, but the "People's Republic of China", has
claimed the greatest number of American lives during the CCP's anti-American Wars in
both Korea and Vietnam since World War II (while driving more Chinese youths into
ashes); ironically and fatally ignoring the facts that CCP's China under Comrade Jiang
Zemin, is the world's only nation whose Inter-Continental Blastic Missiles with multi-nuke
warheads are still aiming at the major cities of the United States. No sign has demonstrated
that China has started to dismantle its nuclear arsenals, following the U.S. and Russia. With
your generous approval, unfortunately, the U.S. dual-use hi-tech, such as the 47
supercomputers, has armed the Chinese military, greatly enhanced its ICBM's aiming
accuracy and precision.
The thorny, and dangerous road leading to an ever "premature" marital "strategic
partnership" shall not be taken while your partner on the other side has consistently defined
you as its "strategic archenemy" in its official CCP's "Red-Letter" inner-circulars, "the
Supreme Law" of China, and aiming its ICBM at your People.
The lethal and entrapping wedding bed is not to share with the wrongful partner of rosy
and smiling face covering the real image of a habitual murderer and violent criminal against
humanity without any moral restraint.
Mr. President, please do not trust Jiang Zemin. In the light of history of man's sufferings during and before World War II, we may be given a lesson on how to deal with the Nazi Fascism. History shows that neither Munich treaty, nor Molotov-Ribentrov Pact had prevented the Nazi Third Reich from invading at the both directions. The only effective way to defuse a growing lethal totaliterian force is to destablize, disintegrite, democratize or destroy them before they become powerful enough to threaten the world, not strengthen them. Any bilateral treaties, agreements, or even communiqus, concluded with a totalitarian regime as a habitual liar, without in-field supervision mechanism, is doomed to be the unilateral obligation on the United States, therefore, a disaster consequently.
Comrade Jiang is the pure heir of the Chinese Communist Revolutionary Martyr, Jiang
Shangqing, a loyal, capable, and penetrating professional communist spy hiding beside the
Nationalist generals and later killed. This smart, nicely smiled, humbly mannered, panda-like CCP leader is the world's most vicious Stalinist/fascist hardliner, yielding ZERO
concessions to freedom, demonstrating his diehard standpoint as a hardliner Stalinist.
4. Quoting Lincoln to Defend the CCP's Fascist Genocidal
Unlike his predecessor, however, Comrade Jiang can play piano. He can even talk about something elegant by messing up Schumann's symphonic music with Chinese Du Mu's poem written about 1300 years ago. This smiling face with bloody knife in pocket has an ability to recite Communism Manifesto in broken Russian before Comrade Brezhnev and chants President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech in poor pigeon English in front of all important American patrons from Senators to major media correspondents since in a period of six years. Yet his colorful performance demonstrates his poor genetic defects uncovering his real image as an unremitting, diehard communist-fascist:
Comrade Jiang argued, while reciting piece of Gettysburg speech, that the Communist
Genocidal Crimes committed in Communist occupied Tibet in 1959 when the "People's"
"Liberation" Army murdered over one million Tibetans in a few bloody nights can be
justified by Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech: Abolishment of Slavery under Dalai
Lama(?!) and "Liberation" of Tibetan Slaves by President Lincoln's replica: Communist
Chairman Mao Zedong! In Jiang's eyes, there is no difference between President Lincoln
and his "Chairman Mao". In Comrade Jiang's rhetoric, there is no distinction between the
Great Emancipation Proclamation and the Expansion of Communist-Fascist slavery
southward up to Sino-Indian border. The slavery Comrade Jiang wants to vehemently
defend by quoting Lincoln is the worst slavery in entire human history we have witnessed
and experienced. To justify this guy's continuing communist-fascist slavery against Chinese
and Tibetans, Jiang invited both Lincoln and Einstein as his front runner defenders,
regardless the fact that both are the symbols of higher moral principles for freedom. Jiang
is just exploiting these great saints for his nasty, ignoble communist-fascist crusade in an
age of a hemispherical abandonment of communist slavery, which will ultimately pave the
way for a Great Emancipation of human beings under totalitarianism. Having exposed
Comrade Jiang's dirty PR trick, we believe the People of the United States can hardly hold
their disgusting impulse if Jiang continues to preach by chanting Abraham Lincoln's
Gettysburg Speech.
5. Liar on Issues of Human Rights and Democracy
Asked by the Washington Post about his's "agenda" on "political reform", Jiang flatly
refused anything beyond his term of "Political restructuring" (a technical term used by
typical Soviet communist technocrats), citing the CCP's habitual liar and anti-West
distortion of "neo-Yellow Peril" doctrine, say, "I.2 billion mouths". Jiang's cheap shots
pretext blaming "too many people" and "too many illiteracy" occurred 106 days after the
Chinese Communists brutally dissolved the democratically elected Hong Kong legislature.
Comrade Jiang did not explain to the world why had Hong Kong immediately become
overpopulated and a land of illiteracy, then it no longer fits for democracy just a few hours
after the CCP's take-over?!
While being asked about his ideas on human rights, this Soviet educated technocrat
responded that his understanding of the human rights in China is to feed the 1.2 billion
mouths, while citing Einstein's relativity! We really wonder when did Mr. Einstein suddenly
change his major to become an "animal rights" advocator during his life time in order to
follow Comrade Jiang's track? But even the CCP's letter of credit on dehumanized animal
rights of "mouth feeding" is a dishonorable note in large part of China. According to the
statistics issued by the World Bank, 3.5 hundred million Chinese peoples living under the
poverty lines, meaning, $1 per capita per day. More than 12 million unemployed people
received zero assistance from the government. Other few million workers can only receive
100-200 RMB ($15-$30) per months. Many state owned enterprises have ceased to pay
any salary for years. Demonstrations and protests of angry, starving and desperate workers
in Mianyang, Zigong, Qiqihar, Wuchang were all bloodily suppressed by PAP. White Rose
type resistance inside the PLA were also drowned in bloodbath by the Chinese
Communists under Jiang. This notorious Beijing Butcher, allied with the infamous
hardliner Prime Minister Li Peng, are committing the wrapped-up Tian An Men Massacre
almost every night. They are sitting atop the huge volcanos of angry Chinese Peoples of all
walks of life.
6. A Typical Totalitarian Regime with no Fundamental
The world's most absurd atheist regime under Comrade Jiang is continuing to launch
irrational communist persecution against Catholics, Christians and other religious believers,
with full of atheist hatred, pursuing the continuing totalitarian cultural obscurity drive by
totally blocking Chinese peoples from being enlightened. On the other hand, This regime,
under Comrade Jiang's "core leadership", takes all totalitarian measures to exercise the
ideological control and cultural enslavement. It provides, in its recently promulgated
mandatory Government Guideline of Political-ideological Education on Students Studying
in Elementary and Higher Schools that the national socialist "brain-wash" should
mandatorily start from the first grade grammar school pupils of age 6.
This regime, under Comrade Jiang's "core leadership", takes all totalitarian measures to rip
all peoples off all their fundamental rights and freedoms. Beijing regime provides that the
grantees and beneficiaries of any "foreign" not-for-profit grants and foundations should
subject themselves to the City level Public Security Bureaus for "registration" and waiting
for police approval;
Communist China under Jiang Zemin is the world's only nation whose government requires
the users of the computer internet to subject themselves to the Public Security Bureaus for
"registration" and waiting for police approval, even though another infamous dictator in
neighboring Singapore, Mr. Lee Kwan Yew, has already provided the Beijing dictators an
anti-internet police censorship software;
Communist China under Jiang Zemin is the world's only country has issued numerous
"state secrets protection acts", entrapping many innocent people into long term
imprisonment or even death penalty;
Communist China under Jiang Zemin is the world's only country which possesses the
world's largest Gulag concentration camps;
Communist China under Jiang Zemin has now accelerated its mass murder and bloody
suppression against Minority Ethnic peoples fighting against the CCP's cruel and inhumane
ruling in those areas from Tibet to Inner Mongolia;
Communist regime under Jiang Zemin still imprisons thousands of Political and religious
prisoner, including our Party's Honorary Chairman Mr. Hu Shigen who was sentenced to
20 years in 1994.
7. Detest Comrade Jiang Zemin's "Privatization" Program
Comrade Jiang Zemin has obviously been considerably accredited and highly acclaimed in
the West for his proclamation of so-called "Grand Evolution", specifically, his proposed
privatizing China's state owned enterprises. The "Time" magazine again has painted it as
China's "final farewell" from communist system under the great leader Jiang. Jiang's
proposal is nothing new.
Unfortunately, we find Comrade Jiang has never ever been a man of any innovative ideas
remembering that this dumber was vehemently advocating "socialist superiority" even in
1990s (or his ridiculous and laughable campaign for "learning from Comrade Lei Feng, a
screw nail in a machine of entire communism!"). The communist "privatization" of
"Chinese character" has been in place at least since January 1991 when Mr. Chen Yuan
(son of the #1 communist hardliner Chen Yun), the deputy commissioner of the "People's
Bank of China" issued "CCP elite Princes New Deal", which openly stated that the "Public
Ownership of the state owned enterprises must be immediately privatized into the CCP
party members' ownership"(looting!). Chen Yuan, being backed by his father then alive,
obviously made a grave offense in "leaking the top State Secrets": To steal, rob, and loot,
by privileged communist-totalitarian elites, the national wealth accumulated through slave
labors of generations under totalitarian slavery by brutally excluding the fair participation of
general public, the creators of the estate. Such a nasty thing can only be done, can never be
uttered, said Deng Xiaoping, whose IQ is much higher than Chen and Jiang.
The looting process has been proceeded for more than half decade and all the creams of
the state enterprises has been skimmed and all the estate has been stolen. Up till July, 1996,
the total debts of the state enterprises has been exceeding the total assets by $36 billion.
The Chinese state enterprises has now been total insolvent and bankruptcy status. When
Jiang echoed Mr. Chen's obsolete tone in "privatization" for second wave of looting, de
jure, providing the world the skeleton remains of the SOE for junk food meal, the de facto
"privatization" had long been finished. In the meantime, the illegal bank accounts in the
West, deposited by the looting participants, which can be traced for statistics, had reached
as high as U.S. $38 billions up till May 1995.
The communist regime nationalized the China's industry in 1957. It completed the
nationalization of land in 1959. But well before that, it "nationalized" every individual's
personal, civil, social and political rights and entitlement in 1949. The CCP's "privatization"
of the nationalized public wealth of Chinese character is being undertaken under the
condition that the super majority Chinese people's rights and entitlement have not been,
and will never be "privatized". Therefore, they are completed excluded, VICTIMIZED and
IRRELEVANT. Without "privatizing" their fundamental rights first, they are not only
ripped off whatever they are entitled, but they are ripped off all dreams and hopes of
sharing, reclaiming or replevying what they have long lost.
Comrade Jiang's "privatization, de jure" plan is by no means insignificant. Through Jiang's
"privatization" program, any illegally looted estate will be retroactively legitimized and
launder clean.
Jiang has no claim for patent of such a "privatization", neither does Chen. George Orwell
had long before predicted the way of the "privatization" of the properties in communist
"Animal Farm" among pigs who are "more equal" than any other animals. The CCP's "last
supper" devouring the remains of the state owned enterprises is a naked looting and booty
sharing among the "Orwellian Pigs". At this time, quite a few morally neutral business
personnel may have reason to celebrate because they are also invited to enter the Orwellian
Farm to share the junk meal with those ever hungry Orwellian Pigs of Chinese Character.
8. A Suicidal Policy--A Misplaced "Neo-Marshall Plan"
Comrade Jiang Zemin, the Deng's hand-picked political heir of CCP, who once ironically believed to be a "reformer", has accelerated systematic political suppression against any political dissidents outside the CCP and reforming force inside the CCP. Not only that, Jiang and his likes has launched an unprecedented nasty ultra-national, Nazi-type "neo-Boxer" campaign targeting the United States as the CCP's number one archenemy of the world. In the meantime, to launch a "soft landing" penetrating into North America by its mobilized Fifth Column. Jiang is Chairman Mao II, yet more dangerous than Mao.
Mr. President, your decision to grant the totalitarian China the unconditional MFN has
substantially helped communist-fascist hardliner forces to re-stabilize its shaken regime
while the fundamental interests of the freedom and democracy, as well as the vital interests
of the national security interests of the U.S. requires that the regime be de-stabilized,
disintegrated and democratized at this sensitive, critical moment of turning point!
Otherwise, the once controlled cancer of totalitarian-fascism, with the limitless resource
from Beijing, will be matasticizing all over the world again!
When freedom is threatened anywhere, it is threatened everywhere. A pacifist kow tow
policy towards totalitarian China is not only a betrayal to the common cause of freedom
and democracy, it has deviated from the founding value of the United States. Moreover, it
is the least productive way to achieve the national security and economic interests of the
United States while dealing with the totalitarian hardliners.
As the President of the United States, you may be fully aware that the simple fact that the
communist-fascist Beijing regime, struggling hard to keep the delicate balance of power
after death of Deng Xiaoping, will get approximately 46 billion U.S. dollar hard currency
each year as trade surplus at the heavy cost of U.S. labor. While the tariff rates on the U.S.
side is 10-15% while the rates on CCP is 40%. Workers in China are ripped off any
fundamental rights such as organizing free labor unions. As such, all products imported
from China into United States have become products of immoral slave labor, with
unreasonably lower cost. Hence placing the United States in an unfair trading position with
China. As the President of the United States, you may be fully aware with the fact that the
crises ridden economic/finance mechanism of red China will exploit the chance you
generously provide to further generate 80-120 million U.S. dollars each day from the West
to revive its ailing economy. Putting those two categories of financial aid from the Free
world, Communist China has received the financial aid from the West for approximately
$90 Billions per annum, the number is equal to that of "Marshall Plan" in 1948. That
"Neo-Marshall Plan", which is unconditional to privileged China, constantly pumping huge
quantity of fresh blood into ailing Chinese communist economy, has been in place since
We noticed that you correctly advocated a new "Marshall Plan" used to support the newly liberated East Europe where Peoples heroically cast the chains of totalitarians. Prior to your proposal, such an eminent statesman as James Baker III also initiated the same plan, both are in vain. The Peoples of East Europe are suffering from the economic difficulties left by the communism and they are rewarded with virtually nothing. We do see the on-going "Marshall Plans", unfortunately, it was placed at a completely wrong place! Your new allies are left to starve, while your murderous archenemy is rewarded with $90 billions each year! While those morally neutral multinationals put more and more capital into the messy market of totaliterian China, they have an ever increasing stake to actively promote the "stability of a fascist regime" while their ever increasing assets are sucked in the Nazi economy. But should those morally neutral multinationals hold the national security interests of the United States, to hold the fundamental interests of entire free world into Chinese Fascist's custody simply because they have stake in China's evil regime?
Therefore, for obvious reason, China's unconditional MFN must be immediately
suspended without any condition! A "Neo-Marshall Plan" imorally and unwisely granted to
totaliterian China must be resolutely stopped!
8. Fight Against Dictators from Baghdad to Beijing!
Mr. President, please reconsider your PRC policy and heed your promise to fight against
dictators from Baghdad to Beijing. Kow Tow policy towards such a hardliner communists
have never been fruitful. A lethal totalitarian regime must be placed under the pressure of
containment and sanction. The United States should take the leadership to coordinate the
world's efforts to democratize the totalitarian China, hence to best preserve the
fundamental interests of freedom, world peace and the national security interests of the
United States.
Cordially yours,
Secretariat, the PFDC