Reactions from CDP and Chinese Democracy Movement Leaders
Free China Movement
4101 Davenport St., NW, Washington, DC 20016
Tel: (703) 864-9304, (510)882-3594
March 15, 2006
Washington, DC
Reactions from CDP and Chinese Democracy Movement Leaders Regarding BIA's Decision to Deport Mr. Shi Jun(A# 76724519) at 11:00 AM, March 15, 2006.
We are told that Mr. Shi had been transferred to a jail near Detroit Airport and would be deported soon. Last attempt to Mr. Shi Jun around Feb 23, 2006 ended with Mr. Shi£ªs hear attack and subsequent emergency treatment in a hospital when he strongly protested the deportation effort for fear of clean and immediate danger if he were sent to Beijing.
"There are more than 40000 illegal immigrant in USA, the decision by the INS to deport Mr. Shi Jun, an important CDP regional leader, is deeply disappointing to us." stated Xu Wenli, co-founder and chairman of China Democracy Party Overseas Headquarter who had spent 6 years in jail for confounding CDP in 1998 before he was exiled to USA in 2004.
"We are very troubled to know BIA's decision to deport Mr. Shi Jun, a key leader of China Democracy Party overseas. Mr. Shi would definitely face political persecution because of his anti-communist activities. CDP has been labeled by the Chinese government as 'hostile political organization' in their recent arrest and sentence of another CDP member in China. We ask INS judge to make one final effort not to deport Mr. Shi Jun!" Stated Wang Xizhe, co-founder of CDP and former co-chair of CDP Joint Headquarter and the senior consultant to CDP Overseas Headquarter. Mr. Wang is also cofounder and Executive president of Free China Movement.
"We want to ask the INS judge in Detroit to give Mr. Shi's deportation decision another look. It's unfortunate that Mr. Shi's case had not been handled correctly by his previous lawyer. The fact that CDP is regarded by the Chinese government as hostile means that any known CDP member in China will be arrested and prosecuted by the communist government as either a member or leader of the hostile organization. Please give Mr. Shi another chance and do not send him back to the hands of the Communist who is waiting to arrest him." Stated Shengde Lian, executive director of Free China Movement, former student leader in 1989 pro democracy movement, and political prisoner in China for two years after the Beijing Massacre.
Mr. Wei Jingsheng is very worried to learn of BIA's deportation decision and is contacting the immigration judge in Detroit to ask her to reconsider the deportation decision by BIA. The phone number of the Immigration judge in Detroit Martha Nettles is 3132262603.
For more information, please contact:
Wang Xizhe 5108823594
Wei Jingsheng 2022770809
Xu Wenli 4018639768
Lian Shengde 7038649304